The Anika Apple Podcast explores the intersection of Leadership, Business (Marketplace), Community and Healing. Each week, Anika explores the respective topics with a unique perspective and thought leadership. Anika incorporates her divine guidance to illuminate concepts and paradigms that require our attention to make a positive shift in the world. As a Trusted Advisor and Coach, Anika supports leaders on their journey to become more confident in leading from a place of spiritual connectedness. The future of business and the workforce requires an increasingly human centric leadership model, mutuality centered ecosystems and purpose-driven organizations. Anika’s gift is illuminating both why and how for her clients and the collective.
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Episode 3 ”Built To Last: Leadership” The Anika Apple Podcast
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
On this episode of The Anika Apple Podcast, the "Built to Last" conversation continues with a focus on leadership. Anika explores the importance of mindset, perspective and change. To sustain oneself in leadership, there has to be evolutionary thinking about the needs of those they serve, including their employees. The requirement for leaders to expand their thinking comes directly from the needs of their employees. In recognition that their teams have needs that are different today than in the past, leaders can begin to anticipate what might be next. In the multigenerational workforce, the divergence of expectations and needs will create an even deeper pull on leaders who have not yet truly embraced a growth mindset. The costs associated are more significant than ever with even more change on the horizon.
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Ep. 2 ”Built to Last” Marketplace- The Anika Apple Podcast
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
This week on The Anika Apple Podcast, viewers are encouraged to see the marketplace and workplace in a different light. What does it mean to create an environment where a business can be built to last? How does being centered in your personal power and spirituality play a role? Explore some of the ways in which the key element of life, Faith, is already at work in the marketplace. As a community, we can shift our outcome by changing the way that we accept and embrace spirituality. Challenge conventional thinking by listening to this weeks episode. The Anika Apple Podcast integrates concepts, perspective and divine wisdom into everyday language and examples. At the core of her purpose, Anika is driven to create spaces that encourage people to see themselves and others. As a coach and trusted advisor, Anika supports clients in centering themselves spiritually so that they can live a full and #RemarkableLife. Her philosophy of integration supports people in designing the life they want so that they experience fullness and joy while creating space for others to do the same. Across her career in multi-million dollar corporations, leadership in social organizations and ministry, Anika has been an agent of transformation and a catalyst for change. She is an experience. Each week, the podcast cycles through Anika's monthly Divine Guidance, Marketplace and community, Leadership and Healing through storytelling. The Anika Apple Podcast will challenge and stretch you to see yourself and the world in a different way.
Music Cred: "LittleLight - Double Horizon" Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Music provided by BreakingCopyright: • [No Copyright Music] LittleLight - Do...
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Ep1-September Divine Guidance- The Anika Apple Podcast
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Anika Apple's divine guidance covers key themes for the month and some foreshadowing of the time ahead. This message is intended to provide hope while providing awareness for some of the things to observe. Some pieces are sobering, but it is a benefit to understand what is to come. Major themes for Significant September: -Preparations -The Time is Now- Leaping and Launching -Forgiveness and Reconciliation -The Changing of the Guards Anika's divine message about what is to come in the upcoming months. Preparation for the time ahead should be well underway. Preparations begins by looking within and addressing the conditions inside before we focus on what people can see on the outside. It is important to remember that your experiences are simply a part of the path. Your perspective matters and as you look to gain a broader perspective through asking questions, you will see a vast amount of opportunities available to you. This is also a time when it is important to remember that you have choice. Own the journey that you are on. Many will feel an incredible thrust forward in the time up ahead. We may experience redirection in the period and it is important to check in with God to understand if the shift is truly orchestrated by your creator or if it is happening because of the will of man. Ensure you are being cognizant about what you are hearing and the intent behind it. In the Divine Guidance videos, Anika discusses the key themes and emotions you are observing in others or experiencing yourselves. She shares the divine messages to help you navigate the month and maximize the opportunities that are present. She speaks to the posture of your heart and the clarity required for the decisions ahead. This message will encourage you to seek God for yourself and to ensure you are cultivating your relationship with the Divine on an ongoing basis. Love is the universal connector for humanity. Light helps us to see what is present as we use choice. Truth is required to navigate the massive changes that are ahead. Love, Light and Truth are part of the provisions we have been give to guide us along the way.
Music Prod:MetzMusic